Wednesday, August 10, 2005


i got in an accident this morning on my way in to work.

good news : i made good coffee this morning

bad news: it spilt all over me and all in my car - it was hot

good news: no visible physical injuries

bad news: it hurts to move

good news: the guy i crashed into was cute

bad news: he was married

good news: the guy's car in front of me is almost fine

bad news: mine is most likely totaled

that's right, i said totaled. done for. no car for sarah. i'll upload pictures as soon as i get some.


so far, i have taken three motrin - it hasn't helped any - in fact, i think that it's getting worse.

damn motrin.

i have had a chicken sandwich for lunch. it's most likely ruined now because it sat out in the heat on 440. tom gave me a banana though.

stupid refrigerated foods.

i didn't get a ticket. the officer was so nice. m. dye was his name. he called the wrecker and they came for my car. it's a price's collision center. i had to take out everything in my car of value. that's like everything in my car.

freakin' people who thieve things.

anyway, now i am sitting at work - all stove up - perfect. i do get to watch napolean dynomite tonight with dp, bblogan and alison though. that will be fun.


Anonymous said...

Glad you are alright. Sounds like it could have been much worse.

Anonymous said...

we'll make you feel better, i promise. a little ND couldn't hurt, that's for sure. we're just so glad that you are okay!

Sarah said...

First off, "anonymous"...are you trying to tell me that my blog smells?!

Second off...I don't know why me totaling my car in an accident on the interstate would make you think that I was in the market for a bathroom ceiling exhaust fan...BUT I'M NOT! Nor do I think that any of my readers are.

BBLogan says that you are stinking up my blog, so go away.