Monday, October 16, 2006

Disturbing...and yet expected

I think quite a few people might be disturbed by the findings in this article by the New York Times.

A statistic that I found particularly disturbing was that more parents thought their child had most likely experienced sex while on drugs or alcohol than thought their child had bought porn.

Most of those surveyed were in the 11th and 12th grades and were between the ages of 16-17. Most had not had sex, stating they were waiting for the right person and/or until they were older. Silver lining?

One girl, aged 17 stated her reason for not having had sex this way, "No particular reason, I'm not like a Christian or anything." Looks like we have a reputation...

Boy, 14 stated "I don't think you should have sex in the 9th grade. Probably 10th." Yes, because so much changes...

Boy, 18 "My father tells me stories about his youth and scolds me for not having as much sex as he did." Nice, what a good father...

A mother of an 18 year old girl, "I talk about disease. Never talk about pleasure: It encourages them." Okay...somebody's sex drive is going to be screwed up...

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