Monday, April 09, 2007

Google Voice

Google's come up with something new - Voice Search.

Though still in the experimental stage, Google Voice could save me some dinero by not having to dial 411.

Instead, dial 1-800-GOOG-411.


Anonymous said...

Yeah right, like Sarah buys drinks! Good luck with that. lol

Sarah said...

Both of You - Mean! I do buy drinks...sometimes! Just never for guys...unless you happen to be my which case, you're in some luck. A) I might buy you drinks sometimes but, B) You have to deal with me. It's a toss up, really...

Anonymous said...

What is worse...
A guy expecting a woman to buy him drinks?
Or dealing with Sarah?
I think either way it's a losing buy the ladies their drinks, it saves a lot of grief in the end!

Sarah said...

Spoken like a true gentleman! :)