Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I've gone MIA...

So sorry! I've been caught up in finals and have slept little. As a peace offering, I give you this video. It's where I was born and raised. Be jealous. Very, very jealous. This has apparently made its way all the way to the Ellen Show!


Anonymous said...

So THAT'S what happened to MC Hammer...

Good luck on your finals! :)

Slave to the dogs said...

LOL - those small town commercials are the best. I bet I could dig some of my own up too...

Hope finals are progressing well and that you'll be done soon.

Sarah said...

I am done!! It was an amazing feeling driving home yesterday and knowing that when I got there...I didn't have to read anything intellectual. So I watched the Gilmore Girls and read Harry Potter...

EDub said...
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