Monday, April 02, 2007

This just in!

In groundbreaking news, researchers have found that:

Wives whose husbands help around the house are happier.

Honestly, I'm shocked. I would have never guessed that. Never in a million years...


Anonymous said...

What about wives who don't do any of the housework, and their husbands do it they tend to be happier? Hmmm!

Sarah said...

Haha - I'm sensing another research study to prove the obvious; everyone is happier with give and take and no one likes to feel taken advantage of. Get your grant proposal ready!!

Anonymous said...

I know I didn't enjoy playing "maid" either! It was like having to pick up after a child - no thanks. A woman who keeps a sloppy home or is unorganized is not for me...

Slave to the dogs said...

Talk about stating the obvious. I can't believe somebody shelled out money for that study.

This just in - research has shown that the sky is blue.

Sarah said...

All these dissatisfied men!!

Life would be so much easier if people would realize that it is a two-way street...pick up your own belongings and help each other out.

Significant others are not here to cater to one other...nor to be maids or parents.

Sarah said...

Slave - Seriously! I would love to hear the researchers selling the "powers that be" on the necessity of this study...What a waste! :)