Thursday, July 05, 2007

Really big time capsule found...

ABC news reports,

"...Among other things, the capsule contained membership lists for the 1937 school board, an American Legion post, the Masonic Lodge, the Methodist Church and a band that played at that year's Kansas State Fair. It also held copies of the Kiowa County Progressive Signal and the Greensburg News."

Really? The time capsule contained the Masonic lodge, the Methodist church and an entire band?? That surely is amazing!

Update: I just reread the above article that I was making fun of...and, well - I am reading it correctly now. They found membership lists from those places! GOT it. I don't see how that's something so great that it should be included in a time capsule, though. Oh well. Call me crazy.


Anonymous said...

I'm throwing a penalty flag at you for abuse of the word, "amazing."

Ok, so I know you used it for comic relief, but this is my excuse to assess your penalty.

Here it is:

Sarah said...

Okay - I might be thick...but I watched that video and I don't know why it has anything to do with the word "amazing"...

It's about stealing porn...

I don't get it...

Anonymous said...

The video I posted a link to is certainly not "amazing" in the least. Disturbing, maybe, but certainly not anything I would classify as amazing. It was a convenient excuse to post that link. :) If you want something "amazing" in return, here you go: